Saturday, May 30, 2015

Deadly Error #5: Missing The Danger Signs

This deadly error is so intertwined with other issues like doing bad searches and being too close to people.  Distance is definitely your friend as it allows more vision.  When I think of missing danger signs, I immediately think of pre-attack indicators.

Look at this video.  The focus is on the weight shift, but note the move to the bladed stance. When this footwork changes, they are going to punch you.

Here is another video.  These indicators can be this deliberate and slow:

About the best trainer out there for pre-attack cues is Tony Blauer.  His classes are a little expensive, but they are worth their weight in gold on learning something that will save your life.

Here is a pretty good video that mentions a lot of what Blauer teaches.  He begins with demonstrating the "Frankenstein" walk.  A normal walking gait has the hands/shoulders moving opposite of the legs/feet.  When the bad guy is getting ready to attack you, he walks like Frankenstein.  It will be that obvious.  All of his cues are typical of what you will see.  As he cautions at the end, look for multiple indicators at once.

Another good training video which is a little more polished and quicker:

If you want to learn more, find a good bouncer in your area.  These guys have learned the hard way when an attack is getting ready to happen.  They learn to watch for these indicators between patrons which makes it easier to intercept the attack and get the aggressor out the door.  Remember, most gun grabs today do not begin with a direct attack on your gun/holster.  They begin with a blitzing physical attack.  They want to overwhelm you to unconsciousness or worse THEN they take your gun a lot more easily.  Note this attack many of you have seen:

He tried to get the gun out of the holster at the end, but either had second thoughts or quickly decided he couldn't work the holster.  Yes this offender did get a 60 year prison sentence and the officer did recover, but it was painful and long.  Remember our goal is not just to survive, but to WIN.  This offender is STILL in prison:

There are other danger signs that can be missed.  These by supervisors.  In a case from 2005, Brian Nichols was on trial for rape.  During the trial he was caught repeatedly trying to sneak shanks in to the court room.  Hey, everyone!  This guy wants to escape!  Maybe we need to keep searching him and guard him with at least two officers!  But no.  Only a single female officer guarded the guy.  He overpowered her and took her gun.  He committed several murders including the presiding judge, the court reporter, and a federal agent.  Three people who would still be alive had these danger signs been heeded.

Be safe out there!

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